Public speaking and School Visits.

Maulik regularly delivers keynotes on the topic of diversity and inclusion in corporate settings and at universities across the country. He also speaks about his novels at schools nationwide. If you’re interested in having him come speak at your organization or school, please visit the Contact page.

Thank you so much for the incredibly impactful presentation. The power of you speaking about your journey was palpable in the room. We were lucky to have you.
— Managing Director, Diversity+Inclusion, Global50 Law Firm
Maulik was insightful, warm, funny and very inspiring! Totally outside the box.”
— Diageo plc
Maulik’s conversation with us was inspiring, to say the least. He brought an incredible amount of authenticity to his account... His passion to make a difference left us all more informed on how to be better allies to communities facing hardship during this unprecedented time.
— Partner, Global Management Consulting Firm
Maulik tells an inspiring story of figuring out his authentic self, and the importance of working in a culture that leverages unique contributions. He was funny and refreshing, but more importantly, his message resonated with our employees’ personal struggles and challenged their conventional wisdom to reflect.
— Accenture Charlotte office wide meeting
One of the best speakers [we’ve] had in recent memory.
— Northwestern University South Asian Students Association
Middle schools can be a tough crowd but Maulik isn’t afraid of engaging with them. He kept their attention for the entire session. My favorite part was when Maulik read directly from his book. The kids were gripped by it. They didn’t want him to stop.
— Washington Steam Magnet Academy, Pasadena CA
Your message of accepting and celebrating our differences is one that is sorely needed. The assembly and Writers Workshop were both beautifully done. For the rest of the day teachers stopped me in the hallway to thank me for arranging your visit.
— Tohickon Middle School, Doylestown, PA
Mr. Pancholy captivated the audience, deftly moving back and forth between joking with students and sharing personal stories about finding his way in middle school. Students are still talking about Mr. Pancholy, about THE BEST AT IT, and about the presentation.
— Miami Valley Middle School, Dayton OH